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Mountain Made Memories Photograph by Randall Dill

Comments (11)

Randall Dill

Randall Dill

Thanks Marko

Marko Lukin

Marko Lukin

Fantastic !

Jenny Revitz Soper

Jenny Revitz Soper

BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of The Artists Group, 1/15/20223! You may also post it in the Group's Features discussion thread and any other thread that fits!

Randall Dill replied:

Thanks Jenny for the recent homepage feature in The Artists Group!

Randall Dill

Randall Dill

Thanks Jen

Jen Shearer

Jen Shearer

Superb art *following

Randall Dill

Randall Dill

Thanks Nader for my feature in FAP group!

Randall Dill

Randall Dill

Spelling correction . . . "Dora" Sofia. Thanks again!

Randall Dill

Randall Dill

Thanks Doro for selecting my image!

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art

Congratulations, Randall! Delighted to tell you that you have been selected as a Spotlight Artist of the month (November 2019) in the Classic Still Life Artwork Group. Thank you for sharing your artistically creative and beautiful artwork with our Group. F/L

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Mountain Made Memories by Randall Dill
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